How to sum up this music video project? Incredible people, cold weather, warm feeling in the heart.
I had 10 days between finding out that I will be directing and filming a new music video for Estonian band Francis and the first day of filming on location in Tallinn. I could not have been more excited to make another music video in my home country, especially as I really love the song River Run and the band's drummer Kaisa is my dear friend.
But organising things from other side of Europe is not always easy, especially with such a short deadline. I grew up in Estonia but have lived in the UK for a while now, so I got busy mobilising troops over the internet. I was even treated to a video tour by Kalmer from the band who walked around the vast area of Põhjala Tehas ( where we would be filming, just so I could have a better idea of all the locations I could use with the band and other performers.

So one cold November day, I stepped off the early morning flight from London to Tallinn, after sleeping only 1 hour and was on my way to the location to meet the band for the first day of filming.
Thank you Kaisa for helping to organise make-up artists who did a great job with making the band look really good and all the rest of the people look tired, dirty and ill. (Exactly as requested by the director :D )

I still can hardly believe how many kind people came to be part of this project at such short notice - all in all, 79 people in the age ranges of 3 years to 98 years were involved in the making of this video, 50 of them dancers from various Estonian folk dance groups.

I am so thankful to each and very person and especially Mari Tomp who was one of the choreographers and also brought along so many people from her dance troupes. Thank you Arthur Peedimaa, our behind the scenes photographer for capturing so many moments of the few days we spent at the captivating location of Põhjala Tehas.

What is hard to get across on the photos is the feeling we all had when we finished the filming. Projects like this bring people together and the shared experience creates an instant connection between people - the feeling of creating something together has a lot of power. Especially when you have to brave the cold weather in clothing much more fitting to nice summer evening, it just helps to feel warm inside. Seeing how happy Francis was at the end of this project meant a lot to me. I loved every minute of filming them in Põhjala.

For me, this project also had a special family connection as I got to work together with my father Teet Killing for the first time, who among other things, is a dance teacher. He was one of the choreographers on this project and also helped on location with so many other things. Thank you for being there!!! I also managed to get my mum and 2 cousins to come and help. I am blessed with a very talented and creative family who are always there to help me and inspire me.

I am not entirely sure what the statistics are on number of bands finishing their music video shoot with a gig for their filming crew but Francis did just that and it was a wonderful way to finish our 3rd day of filming.

You can find out more about Francis here:
Lyrics: Karolin Saar
Melody: Karolin Saar
Music: Francis (Karolin Saar, Kaisa Kaha-Knight, Martti Lepmets, Kalmer Schüts, René Lasseron)
Mix: Hyrr Innokent Vainola
Master: Lauri Liivak
Directing, camera and editing: Teele Dunkley
Choreography and crowd movements: Teet Killing, Mari Tomp
Choreographer’s assistant: Triin Killing
Runners: Silvar Muru, Silva Viilup, Liina Amon
Hair and Make-up: Ave Rüütel, Kaisa Mäesalu, Laura Puusepp, Marie Johanson, Marika Lutter
Behind the scenes still photography: Artur Peedimaa
Mother and daughter: Heili Heinaste, Romili Ruse
Young couple: Annika Avingu, Kalev Eensaar
Old couple: Vaike and Otto Valgma
Kids playing: Richard Schüts, Richelle Schüts, Rafael Schüts, Johannes Peets, Johanna-Maria Peets & Romili Ruse
Flashlights and crowd scenes: Keili Kajava, Helen Uustalu, Taavi Kappak, Helena Ojabstein, Lisanna Lajal, Karel Reisko, Milla Kurvits, Liis Piper, Sirle Koptelkov, Juta Killing, Kertu Saar, Merliine Haab, Lisette Lepik, Greete Savolainen, Õnneliis Koppel, Herlika-Reene Saliste, Kirke Järve, Johannes Hunt, Rasmus Põldre, Mirtel Muga, Eve Toiger, Hanna-Leen Keerov, Mona Tamm, Elis-Kelly Hell, Henry Hell, Maarja Peinar-Järve, Anu Reedik, Tiit Tomp, Susanna Püss, Mirel Püss, Ave Tölp, Alan Luuk, Aivar Klaar, Laur Klaar, Artur Klaar, Helen Saliste, Indrek Jõgimar, Hanna Leppikus, Margus Tamm, Karine Varblane, Iris Vilu, Tiit Leppikus, Kersti Vahter, Paula Vahter, Emma Karafin, Heili Heinaste, Annika Avingu, Kalev Eensaar, Triin Killing